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kerala financial corporation jobs vacancies

KFC kerala financial corporation invites application for manager and deputy manager.12 vacancies are available.Application will be receive until april 6.manager post has age limit 40 years.salary 54450-101150
Deputy manager has age limit 35 years.salary 46650-89050.Qualification for Manager:graduation,caiib or btech.caiib/mba

Banda university-uthar pradesh jobs

Banda university of agriculture and technology college of agriculture,horticulture,forestry,home science,proffessor,assistant professor,associate professor job vacancies are available.30 vacancies are there.Applications will be receive until march 31.
Agricultural economics,seed technology,agricultural extension,
fruit science,post harvest technology,forest biology and team improvement,forest product utilization,forestry,human devolopment and manual studies,family resource management,etc are the jobs
available departments.

Himachal pradesh public sector executive trainee

SJVN limited,the public sector company in himachal pradesh invites application for executive trainee.68 vacancies are available.Apply online from march 12 to april 1.One year training is compulsory.Civil,mechanical,electrical,environment,IT,electronics and

National institute of malaria science job vacancy

44 vacancies available at national institute of  malaria research new delhi.Last date of application is april 19.Technical assistant life science,technician,laboratory attendent.
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